Digital Transformation

Digital Learning and Change Management


Supporting digital transformation processes

Good communication and support for all stakeholders is a key success factor for digital transformation.

At CBTL we have a long history of supporting our clients through successful business transformation processes by working with them to develop content creation workflows and state-of-the-art, interactive learning.

Areas of competence

Digital transformation requires employees to have competencies in the areas of technology, data, processes and change management.

See here how we support the development of these competencies and what training scenarios are possible through e-learning:

Technology raining scenarios

Systems Training

  • Role-based software simulation
  • Demonstration of workflows and scenarios

Data training scenarios

Compliance Training

  • Animated explanations of rules and policies
  • Scenario/game based learning

Data Analytics

  • High impact video training
  • Software simulation

Process training scenarios

Process training

  • Animated process overview scenarios
  • Conversation simulations

Change training scenarios

Change Management

  • Compelling video content
  • Interactive comparison of baseline and target states
  • Scenarios

Why E-Learning

Transformation processes are often complex, affecting individuals differently according to their prior knowledge, role, team and position within an organisation. For large organisations e-learning, targeted on specific audiences, has decisive advantages over face-to-face events:


Many learners can be trained at the same time.


Learners can learn regardless of time and place.


Different learning paths can be defined.

Learners can complete and repeat training at their own pace.


The training is also available to existing and new employees at any time after the initial rollout.


Course progress and learning success can be tracked when required.

The AUTHORING PLATFORM EVOLUTION³ for E-Learning Production 

The creation and ongoing updating of high quality learning content needs to be efficient. The EVOLUTION³ production platform enables role based, team collaboration to rapidly create high quality, version controlled content.


AUTHORING PLATFORM EVOLUTION³ provides for different user roles and skill levels and includes numerous features for e-learning and knowledge content creation.


  • Securely hosted online platform with powerful editors
  • Integration of video, audio and VR media
  • Creation of animations
  • Over 40 types of interactive elements


AUTHORING PLATFORM EVOLUTION³ is designed for team-based project work. This allows distributed teams of any size to work on a project simultaneously, on a wide variety of tasks. In doing so, only the tools defined for their team role are available to the project participant.

  • Online collaboration in real time
  • Tailored user interfaces for subject matter experts, experienced authors, translators, and reviewers
  • Browser-based – secure and no installation required


Once a course has been created, and you want to localise it for for different audiences, new versions can be easily created from the original project. This has the advantage that when updating the content, all versions can be updated at the same time. An integrated translation workflow also regulates the handling of language versions.

The finished courses can be flexibly distributed:

  • in a company’s LMS
  • as web content on the internet


AUTHORING PLATFORM EVOLUTION³ is an online-based production platform in which multimedia learning, knowledge and information content is created and published as a wide variety of end products in many different formats. This is what efficient and sustainable e-learning looks like.


  • Access via different end devices
  • Fixed stage e-learning modules for normal displays
  • Adaptive/responsive modules for mobile devices

Knowledge management in everyday business

Efficient knowledge management is an important factor in supporting innovation and continuous improvement in companies.
In this context, it is important both to get the knowledge out of the heads of the experts and into the daily business routine, and to be able to easily integrate feedback and ideas from the field.

This is where the AUTHORING PLATFORM EVOLUTION³ can make an important contribution, thanks to its online collaboration options and integrated content management functions.

Creation of e-learning

Subject matter experts first create a draft of a course in the authoring system.

Internal / external learning designers or trainers prepare content as needed.


Modularisation and keywording features make it easy to find and reuse content.

Versioning functionality enables creation of customised language and content versions for specific audiences.


Using EVOLUTION³ live content can be reviewed, commented on and edited at any stage of the production cycle so that feedback from day-to-day business can be promptly incorporated.

Knowledge management in the transformation process

In change processes, clear initial communication is extremely important.
After initial rollout, it is also essential to keep central materials such as training content, FAQs, and how-to guides up to date, to integrate the knowledge that is created in practice, and to record feedback.

With AUTHORING PLATFORM EVOLUTION³ sustainable knowledge management can be supported:

1 - Creation of e-learning materials
  • by subject matter experts within the company with support from internal expert users or an external agency if necessary.
  • by external agency with support from internal subject matter experts
2 - Rollout
3 - Obtain feedback
4 - Integration of knowledge
  • From various sources
  • Expert User Groups
5 - Selection and curation
6 - Preparation

Contact us

Do you have any questions or are you interested in the above topics? Then contact us.